Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Another chapter in my life is closed

I feel that everything in life happens for a reason and I know that I was trying to plan for this day...but its still hard to really plan for when it happens three months earlier then I initially had decided. As of today, I am retired from Bar Managing and no longer bar tending at La Puerta Azul. I am looking for a place to bar tend part time now and I assure you I will let you all know where that new location is when I find it. Until then I will have a bit of time to catch up in my studio and prepare for Spring and Summer. It feels as though a huge weight has been lifted from my very stressed shoulders, and although its insanely scary being in limbo for a few weeks, at the same time it feels good to be able to take a bit of a break from the hell I was living in. Now on to the next chapter!


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