Sunday, October 07, 2007

Things I love about fall

The leaves are bursting here in the Hudson Valley and even though it’s been almost 90 degrees this week, all the great of fall have arrived. My personal favorites are:

1. The very pretty leaves covering the trees, the ground, and even my apartment floor at times.

2. Cool enough weather (still waiting for that) to walk Faye without a jacket and without sweating.

3. Hot tea and soy milk with chocolate Ovaltine.

4. The smell of smoke from chimneys and leaf piles.

5. Leaf piles, well, I am not so much into them but Faye LOVES them when we are on walks.

6. The crisp mornings and warm afternoons.

7. All of my winter clothes seem new again.

8. Halloween candy, I'll have to lift my candy ban.

9. Sleeping with the window open and it being the perfect temperature.

10. The feeling of new beginnings, even if I am long out of school.

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