Thursday, May 03, 2007

May Flowers

The flood in April did some good; the flowers blooming outside are magnificent! I shot a few blooming trees after my walk with Faye this afternoon. My energy level is about equal with mud right now, I had two incredibly long nights at the restaurant and am beat...I have to drag myself around to get any thing done today...

I have some jewelry projects I am working on, I should put hangers on paintings and stretch some canvases...perhaps do a bit of on line work...I really don't feel like doing any of it though. I was hoping the walk would perk me up, but no.

Perhaps this is my bodies way of telling me I need to take an afternoon off...


Blogger ** Terramia ** said...

Heavenly photos! Wow!!

May 6, 2007 at 8:33 PM  

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