Works in progress
I have started posting and creating my summer and spring line of jewelry right now and am in the midst of a new painting series. The cold weather and my birthday brought about a bit of a halt though, mainly as I am wishing it were spring and that I were not a year older. My newest jewelry creations are on Etsy, please visit my store to check them out : The two most recent paintings, which are from my new series are drying on easels right now. I am about ready to update but was testing the waters on Etsy first. Any questions or comments are welcome here.

I have a few months before the show season starts for me, so I have some time to play around still. A huge jewelry supply order is going in soon, so I anticipate a creation frenzy coming shortly. The lengthing of the daylight hours usually gives me a much needed boost as well.

I have a few months before the show season starts for me, so I have some time to play around still. A huge jewelry supply order is going in soon, so I anticipate a creation frenzy coming shortly. The lengthing of the daylight hours usually gives me a much needed boost as well.

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